STEVE LAWLER Zach Hansen·March 4, 2020For almost 3 decades, DJ and producer Steve Lawler has been moving dance-floors around the world. During the...#ELPEventsInterviewMusic·0 Comments·0
Spinning Life with Mark Farina Isabel Aleman·February 27, 2020What makes a good DJ? Somebody who knows about music, somebody who can make you dance, somebody who...#ELPEvents·0 Comments·0
A Decade of Dancing! 10 years of Late Nite Social Club Zach Hansen·February 26, 2020Since the start of the century, no one in El Paso has thrown parties quite like Joe and...#ELPEventsInterviewsLocalMusic·0 Comments·0
FUSION MAGAZINE #113 Oscar Castaneda·February 20, 2020Fusion Magazine welcomes the year 2020 with a dance music celebration!! Featuring LNSC and their 10 year anniversary...#ELP#JRZDigital MagazineEvents·0 Comments·0
Soul Mate Searching at Joe Vinny and Bronson’s Bohemian Café Valentina De Leon·February 11, 2020It’s a new year—a new decade. You’re determined to change your life and finally meet that special someone,...#ELPEvents·0 Comments·0
FUSION GALLERY | JENN MÁRQUEZ Rafael Revilla·January 31, 2020Una de las ventajas de ser joven es la experimentación y la exploración sin inquietudes ni remordimientos, Jenn...#CUUArtArtistsCultureFusion Gallery·0 Comments·0
Entrevista con Sabino Rafael Revilla·November 1, 2019uando estás a punto de comenzar un proyecto, estás consciente de que vienen consigo dificultades y responsabilidades que...ArticleEventsInterviewMusic·0 Comments·0
THE HOUSE THAT METAL IS BUILDING Marisol Rios·October 23, 2019Lets not downplay the metal scene here in El Paso—this desert town has had a rich history of home...#ELPCultureEventsHomeLocalMusic·0 Comments·0