SONNY KAY: THE ANOMALY Alex Durán·January 14, 2016Everyone possesses the ability to be artistically creative within several mediums yet not everyone succeeds at it. Sonny...ArtistsInterviews·0 Comments·0
Enslaved Ángel Cervantes·January 13, 2016 How do you describe In Times? Is it a more progressive and aggressive work than the latest...ArtistsInterviewsMusic·0 Comments·0
Doodles | Del papel a las Nubes Ángel Cervantes·December 27, 2015Con tan sólo 19 años y una gran visión, Mayra Arvizo, originaria de Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua nos demuestra cómo...#CUUArtArticleArtists·0 Comments·0
Amor Por Juárez Celebra 5 Años Alex Durán·December 26, 2015Hay diferentes formas de demostrar amor, y hace 5 años la organización Amor Por Juárez decidió crear foros...#JRZArtArtistsHome·0 Comments·0
Disclosure | El Nuevo Dúo Dinámico Ángel Cervantes·December 9, 2015Los hermanos Guy y Howard Lawrence conforman una de las duplas electrónicas más exitosas y reconocidas de la...ArticleArtistsMusic·0 Comments·0
Music Under the Stars | Dancing in the City Ángel Cervantes·December 2, 2015The Museums and Cultural Affairs Department began accepting applications in November for Music Under the Stars and Dancing...#ELPArticleArtistsEvents·0 Comments·0
LATA 65 | Generación en Aerosol Ángel Cervantes·November 29, 201560’s are the new 20’s; or at least that’s what this group of retired people said. With a...ArtArtists·0 Comments·0
Sleepercar | Breathe & Count Ángel Cervantes·November 25, 2015 When you first meet Jim Ward, one of the first things you’ll notice is how calm he makes...ArticleArtistsInterviewsMusic·0 Comments·0