Ballroom Marfa presents Äppärät—a group exhibition curated by Tom Morton. Äppärät will be on view in Marfa from September 25, 2015 – February 14, 2016, with an opening reception on Friday, September 25 from 6-8 p.m.
Following the reception for Äppärät catch a DJ set from Mike Simonetti in the Ballroom Marfa courtyard! Simonetti founded the Italo disco label Italians Do It Better in 2006 with Johnny Jewel. His current projects include Two Mikes Records (2MR), a collaboration with Captured Tracks’ Mike Sniper, and Pale Blue, a musical project with Silver Hands’ Elizabeth Wight.
Listen to some of Simonetti’s tunes here:
Äppärät is a show about the mammalian hand, and the tools it touches, holds, and uses. Taking its title from the name of a fictional, post-iPhone device at the centre of Gary Shteyngart’s 2010 near-future novel Super Sad True Love Story, Äppärät is concerned with labor, play and the uncertain zone between the two; with the extension of the body, and the self, through technologies ancient and contemporary; with things (to borrow Martin Heidegger’s formulation) “present-at” and “ready-to” hand; with compulsion and with death.

Featuring 13 artists from across Europe, the Americas, and Asia, from major art historical figures to practitioners in the early phase of their careers, the exhibition begins with a wall painting by Jessie Flood-Paddock, based on an illustration of a worker operating a loom from Denis Diderot’s Encyclopédie (1751-72), one of the first attempts to record and systematize all human knowledge in published form.
For complete information on this awesome event you can click HERE or HERE