Categories: #ELPInterviewsMusic

The Rare Individuals Keep It Real

The Rare Individuals are a trip into a multi-genre, hip-hop filtered soundscape. These 4 El Paso natives, backed by DJs the Heavy Heads, have developed a style all their own. Each of the members also have solo projects with multiple singles and videos.

Fusion interviewed Derrell Peoples, Lavell Jones, Josh Brown and Andy C back in 2013. Here we touch base with them to get an update on all their endeavors.

When did Rare Individuals form?

LJ: Around 2008, 2009. But me, Josh and Derrell were in 2 groups together before.

So who was in D.N.A. and is it still around?

LJ: That was Derrell and Andy—D.N.A. for ‘Diverse and Artistic’ or ‘Derrell and Andy.’

AC: Yeah we’re still doing our thing together, but we’re actually focusing more on our individuality. But of course whenever me and Derrell come together through some music, people are like, ‘Oh, that’s DNA’ you know?

What have you guys been up to the last couple years?

DP: The last 2 years have been a fun journey; we’ve been doing a ton of shows. I can’t even count the number of shows. . .some of us have been working on solo projects. For myself, I’ve been working on a project. I think I’m going to call it Young Kings.

Who are you working with?

DP: Honestly, I think I’m just staying in-house, with production done by myself, and I’m just going to feature the Rare guys on this particular record.  All in all though, we’ve been doing a lot of networking, a lot of learning, growing.

AC: I have a little project I’m going to be doing. It’s going to be a collaborative with Josh Brown and the Heavy Heads, who are our DJs. They’re both just basically the producers on the stuff I’m going to drop. I don’t really have a name for it quite yet, but I do have a good 10-12 songs . I’m shooting for October to release it.

JB: I’m finishing up, you know mixing and mastering, my project called Just Because. I just dropped 2 singles in the last couple months—one’s out on YouTube and Soundcloud, it’s called “Point of View.”  I also have “Bring Me Down” and I’m getting ready to drop a couple more videos in the next month or two. My project’s going to be an EP. It’ll be dropping most likely in October. I’m also doing shows and producing for Rare and other artists in El Paso. It’s been a fun journey so far, like Derrell said, and I’m really excited for people to see what we’re going to do. If you liked “Point of View” then you’re definitely going to like these next songs I did with the Heavy Heads. Then I also have this project I’m doing with Lavell.

Wow you guys are busy!

LJ: I dropped my album Searching at the end of 2013.  I did a couple of videos, “America’s Child” with Josh, and “Toast.” We also did “Mr. Seven Pounds”—that was a big video I did with Derrell. I also just dropped “Rare Town.” The last one I did was “Biscuits Buttered.” We’ve also been doing a lot of shows. We’ve done back to back shows at the Texas Showdown. Last year we opened up for Wu-Tang. Yeah, and like Josh said, he and I have a little secret project we’re working on. Solo I’m working with a producer and I’m kind of keeping it on the low. I’m doing an EP and it’s a totally different sound from anything I’ve done before. For the EP Josh and I are working on we’re planning on, hopefully, going to California to shoot a video.

Why are you going out there for the video?

LJ: The guy we were working with before, EP Goon, has taken a break from the business. There’s a guy who worked with EP Goon on my video “Toast.” He’s super-good also. He does film and stuff in L.A., he hit me up and asked if I wanted to do a video, and I have one song that would be perfect for that. It’s called “Wiser”—so just remember that name.

Talk about the Heavy Heads a bit.

JB: We’re definitely still working with them. One of the next couple of songs I’m dropping is produced by them. I’m excited for everyone to hear what we’ve been working on. But the Heavy Heads, definitely, shout out to them. They are some of the most talented dudes I’ve ever come across. They’re great, wild spirits too. I lived with them. Derrell lived with us  too and we developed some really great music. They are definitely our brothers. They deserve more credit than they get. Look out for them! They play with us at every show and they produce their own stuff too.

At this point you guys have built up a pretty big fan base.

AC: We do have a core fan base, our loyal audience, but it’s growing show by show. I would say every show we do our exposure grows a little bit more and  there’s a lot of diversity too, whether we get young kids or older heads as well. Every show I’d say we make 15 or 20 new fans. It’s growing and growing. It’s been a good journey.

Are you guys traveling or just playing local?

JB: We’re pretty much doing local shows right now. This year we did Neon Desert, which was really crazy! It was wild! We do plan on doing shows in Austin, San Antonio—a little Texas tour. We’re focused on doing big shows here. Like Andy said, our fan base is growing more and more.

At Texas Showdown the bands were pretty much all national acts.  Were you the only local band?

DP: There was another local band—a heavy metal band that played.

LJ: Yeah, shout to Texas Showdown! They’ve been putting us on the bill every year, for real!

I noticed that sometimes you play with a full band. I even think I recognized some players from Chuco Soul Project, right?

LJ: Andy and Derrell went to high school with Big Chris, Christian Charles, the illest guitarist ever. I personally met Chris at Guitar Center, and I was like ‘You’re coming with me bro!’  Fred [Porras] plays bass with us sometimes, and Albert [not affiliated with Chuco Soul] the drummer, went to school with Josh. He’s a sick drummer. He plays all around town, he gets paid big money. We’re his little act (laughs).

When you play shows do you always have the full band backing you?

LJ: Not all the time. It depends on the venue and everybody’s schedule. We have two DJs and 4 MCs and sometimes band members. So there’s a lot of us. But for big shows, festivals, we’re going to definitely have a live band.

I listened to a lot of your material and heard some elements of  R & B, soul and I even think I heard a Reggae thing happening. Is that a result of the influences you guys have had?

DP: As kids, me, Lavell and Josh grew up in real structured homes, and it was real disciplined. We didn’t listen to like popular music til’ we were 16 or 17, and then it kind of changed our lives. We love all styles of music, and that’s why with our music, you can’t really put a finger on it. We’re all dudes from different backgrounds too. So that goes in to our music too. There’s so much diversity in our lives, that it comes out through our music.

How does an artist or a musician leave themselves open for improvement?

DP: I do a lot of thinking and a lot of self-analyzing, and also a lot of observing of people. It’s like I’m always trying to find the key— the answer to life.

Let me know when you do!

DP: (Laughs) I got you. Being that I’m conscious of the fact that I want to be better, I practice certain things that will hopefully help me achieve some sort of enlightenment. I try to stay optimistic and put out the best energy in hopes the law of the universe is correct, and that it will all come back.

A lot of bands have an overarching message or they espouse certain ideals. Is that true with you guys?

DP:  For sure there is an overall concept we want to push, but we’re just free dudes, you know? It depends on how we’re feeling at the moment. You might catch a song from Josh that going’s to make you want to jump up and slap him in the mouth, or  a song that will make you want to shed a tear. I think it hurts a lot of artists when they try to overanalyze or think too hard, and they end up messing up things that should just be natural and free. We want to connect with people, rather than try to preach to them.

Lavell Jones:
Josh Brown:
Heavy Heads:  

Instagram and Twitter: @rareindies; @derrellpeoples; @lavelljones; @joshbrownrare; @cnotes_3

Alex Durán

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