A Brief Summary of the (mind-blowing) Star Wars Saga
On December 18th of 2015 the world is going to stop. Ok maybe it will not stop, but people are really going to stop doing whatever it is they normally do to go to the movie theatre and wait in line for hours. The time has come. The release of one of the most popular sagas is here, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The expectation for this new trilogy makes one wonder what has made it into a cult film loved by the most diverse public.
First, it is important to understand what this film is really about. Star Wars is what sci-fi critics call epic space opera, a genre in which the plot includes spaceships, space wars, melodrama and takes place in galaxies far, far away. Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope was released on May 25, 1977 and it made almost $800,000,000. It was followed by the sequels The Empire Strikes Back in 1980, and Return of the Jedi 1983. This first trilogy depicts the rise and fall of an Empire and, let´s not forget, the rise and fall of the Skywalker family.
What the creator George Lucas and the producers of 20th Century Fox did not imagine back in the time, is that this production would become an artistic and cultural phenomenon. Let’s just say it, we owe to Star Wars almost as much as the High Renaissance owes to Shakespeare´s Hamlet. Here it is, the most human portrait of a society oppressed by system, and willing to fight The Man for freedom. The Man, as you all know, wears a black mask, a cape, has super Jedi powers a lightsaber and a very bad temper.
Star Wars changed our perspective of characterization, plotting, story-telling and filmmaking; George Lucas and his group of engineers had to come up with solutions to create the life in the galaxy. It is because of Star Wars that he created his own independent filmmaking center, Skywalker Ranch, in which the most innovative technologies for filmmaking were created.
Star Wars also transformed the toy industry—the creation of a line of 3.4″ action figures in a time when the standard was either the 12″ or 11.5″. More toys and accessories were created—blasters, lightsabers, weapons, ships, play sets, costumes and whatever was needed to recreate the Star Wars adventures. Some of this memorabilia is sold today with prices that go up to $1000 dollars, and there are plenty of groups and societies whose main goal is find the best items for their collections.
Fans, real fans, are willing to pay and do anything to relive Star Wars; they find or create opportunities to get dressed up as their favorite Star Wars character, they memorize the most famous lines from the movies and use it whenever they can. Most of us have have heard phrases such as, “May the Force be with you,” or “The Force is strong with this one.” Even Yoda´s mannerisms and diction or Jedis commanding style popular has been.
Truth is, Star Wars has fascinated many people ever since the first film was shown in 1977, relived in 1999 with the release of the Star Wars prequel and in 2008 with the The Clone Wars—an animated series distributed by Warner Brothers. It is incredible though how even after more than 30 years since the release of the first trilogy, Star Wars fans can be found all over the world; they collect, cosplay and share their Star Wars love online. Fans have even been involved in creating conventions, trivias, videogames and much, much more. Star Wars became a way of life; Jedi´s philosophy became as important as Aristotle´s or Plato´s.
This new film is in fact the result of the work of fans. Take J.J. Abrams, an American director who watched the saga when he was only 11 years old and grew up in a time of Star Wars fandom, he is the director and co-writer of this new saga that will give the fans the opportunity not only to relive the fantasy of the galaxy, but also to see the reunion of some of the original characters, such as Leia and Han Solo.
Star Wars fans have done its best trying to keep the force strong all over the world, and now the force has definitely awakened.
Text: Sylvia Aguilar Zéleny | @sylviruk
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