

G Eazy, 25 year old Oakland, CA based rapper who has been referred to as the “James Dean of Hip Hop,” makes his El Paso debut as a headlining act for this year’s Neon Desert Music Festival. The booming rapper talks to us about his collaborations, his current projects and enchiladas.

What do you appreciate most about playing in a music festival atmosphere?

It’s a different kind of energy; it can be a different crowd sometimes. It’s people who really enjoy music, it’s an energy thing—it always makes me think of the 60s, being outside all day, feeling free.

Your collaboration with bay area hip-hop legend E40 early on in your career was a major highlight for you, who’s next on your bucket list of dream collaborations?

My heroes: Kanye, Drake, Lil Wayne, Nas, Jay Z.

Any current projects in the works?

I’m working on my new album right now. I’ve been in the studio nonstop. I’m like really, really, really excited on how it’s coming together; we’ve been really committed. I haven’t left the studio in about a month or two. I’ve just kind of been hibernating in rooms without windows for 14 or 15 hours at a time. You know, kind of like shutting off the outside world and losing track of time, really diving into the creative process. I’m excited. I remember being young dreaming of being in these shoes. All I wanted was a platform. The last record came out of nowhere. I don’t think anyone really saw it coming and I have this opportunity, this platform and I really want to do something special and make sure it’s right.


When is said project slated for release?

I don’t have a date yet. I’m not putting the pressure on myself of setting a deadline. The deadline is when the work is finished and I’ve exhausted my creative output, when I’m no longer inspired.

What would present day G Eazy, with sold out worldwide tours and chart topping albums under his belt tell the aspiring 13 year old G Eazy?

Stay hungry. Stay patient. A lot of times you get eager for gratification, especially when you work so hard at anything. There wasn’t much gratification for the better part of 10 years. At times, it was frustrating. Patience is key; continue to do it for the right reasons, stay true to yourself. Also, I would tell him he made a song with E40, he would flip out.

Any passions outside of music that people would be surprised to know about you?

There’s not much time for much else. I think when you commit to something you’ve got to give it all of your attention, all of your time, all of your energy. When you spread yourself too thin between different worlds, different hobbies, different jobs, that’s when can’t perform at the highest level for any of them. There’s only so many hours in a day, only so much time, only so much energy somebody has.

Aside from the aforementioned countless hours spent in the studio working on your music, what are you listening to these days?

I wake up, drink my coffee and listen to music for a few hours before I head to the studio. I’m always listening to the Beatles, always listening to Johnny Cash.


You were a featured artist on MTV’s Artist to Watch, who is currently on your radar?

Kehlani, Iamsu, Audio Push— I met them back 2 or 3 summers ago when I opened up for Lil Wayne and  Travis Scott, right now he’s one of my favorite artist.

What’s one thing you would want your fans to know?

How much I appreciate everybody who cares about the music I make. You know, that’s one of the hardest things to do in a world as a creator, it’s getting anybody to care about what you’re making. The fact that there’s people that do, I never take that for granted. I think about that every day and I appreciate it. I hope they stick with me for years to come.

One last thing, do you like Mexican food? 

Yeah, I live for it—chicken enchiladas.

Red or Green?


Text: Jenna Martin | Photo: Courtesy of G-Eazy