
Desert Triangle Print Carpeta

An art agitator wandered through Tucson, Albuquerque and El Paso poking, annoying and commissioning local talent to create large prints—and…

9 years ago

Undocumented Freedom

Undocumented Freedom is a documentary film series about what it feels like to be an undocumented immigrant in the U.S.…

9 years ago

The Pleasure Principle of Pain

(In order to protect the identity of the subject interviewed for this story, no names have been used. The subject…

9 years ago

Fusion Gallery | Atenas Campbell

Atenas Campbell es licenciada en Diseño Gráfico y tiene una maestría en Estudios Procesos Creativos en Arte por la UACJ,…

9 years ago

Unknown Mortal Orchestra

Interesting things are happening on the other side of the world in New Zealand. There are various fields in which…

9 years ago

Ophiuchus: The 13th Sign of The Zodiac

No matter how unique you are, you’ve got something in common with billions of other people on Earth: your zodiac…

9 years ago

RiOS! Radio

There is an African proverb that states “It takes a village. . .” In the realm of local music, RiOS!…

9 years ago

Ascension Of The Amazon Goddess

I have to admit I had some slight apprehensions about my meeting with Mistress Ruby. I had to keep reminding…

9 years ago

Doodles | Del papel a las Nubes

Con tan sólo 19 años y una gran visión, Mayra Arvizo, originaria de Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua nos demuestra cómo el talento…

9 years ago

Fusion’s Favorite Albums of 2015

Another year of great music; lots of new artist and some of the old school came back providing us the…

9 years ago