Fusion Gallery | Juan C. Escobedo

01NothingBehindTrained in traditional painting methods, Juan C. Escobedo draws inspiration from dreams and childhood memories. Born in El Paso, Tx and raised in Sunland Park, NM, Escobedo’s work includes traditional painting as well as surreal sculptures where materials may include plastic, wire, paper and various other materials. Memory and duality are rooted in the nature of Escobedo’s work. Memories can transport you, interrupt daily life and can easily confused by the reality of another memory, Escobedo states on his personal website. Colliding memories can be polluting to the original event.The dual nature of objects as they are in real life and in the way Escobedo incorporates it in his work and ties it in together, is part of the illusion he tries to create with his pieces—a blurry line between separate realities. With a Master in Fine Arts at Massachusetts College of Art and Design, several art exhibitions and a nomination for a Dedalus Foundation Master of Fine Arts Fellowship, Escobedo’s work is a representation of his ideas echoed from his experiences, a unique vision of his self expression.

Web: www.juancescobedo.com

Txt: Daniel Salas | Photo: Juan C. Escobedo